Though not one of the most remarkable works of Austen,Mansfield Park is a novel which rose much interest among the mass
Yes,those of you who like to read classics, this probably is not one of the best of e kind but what the hell,Austen is Austen!
Fanny Price,the goody good young girl from a poor family starts living with her aunt and her family,the Bertrams. From the beginning she grows this soft corner for her Cousin Edmund.
Fanny is not the gossip raising beauty, and nor much of an outspoken girl,but since she is the heroin at the end of the day every one and evhingeryt goes in her favour.
When the new hotshot brother and sister-Mary and Henry Crawford arrive in her neighbourhood,every one gets drugged by their charm,and steps towards derailment.But obviously none of this affected our Fanny.
Henry Crawford at last becomes aware of the unconventional beauty in Fanny and proposes marriage to her.But our righteous and shy fanny,gave her heart to Edmund who gave his to Mary Crawford.Being refused by Fanny,frustrated Henry Crawford elopes and has a one night stand with Edmund's married sister Maria
Reality dawns on everyone and the spotlight again returns to Fanny
This is supposed to be a love story,but the mutual love is caged in only Chap 5b of a book containing 58 chapters.And it is in this Chapter that Edmund like everyone else figures out that no none suits him better than Fanny Price.And they live happily ever after.
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