Jeffrey Archer's amazing storytelling ability, completely enchanting characters, and surprising twists all combine to make a totally enjoyable novel. AS THE CROW FLIES is no exception.Archer uses his rags-to-riches theme with Charlie Trumper, young barrow boy from the Whitechapel area of London's East End. Charlie masters the fine craft of becoming the best fruit and vegetable man in all of the East End, a talent he gets from his grandfather and one that stays with him for life and gives him his greatest thrill.The reader watches Charlie grow from eight-year-old urchin to World War I soldier and chairman of his own London department store. Along the way both triumph and tragedy are his companions, but it is his bitter and hate-filled feud with the Trentham family that will leave you aghast and shocked, but always mesmerized and turning the pages.
An interesting part is Archer narrates the entire story from the direct point-of-view from all the major characters.Having 800 pages, though the book might turn a bit boring at parts but that will not deter a reader to put the book down.
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